Thursday, August 27, 2020

Biotechnology Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Biotechnology - Movie Review Example That it doesn't really follow that an unrivaled quality can ensure achievement, for example, the instance of Jerome Eugene Morrow who had a phenomenal hereditary inclination yet has poor method for dealing with stress in the changes of life that made him a strict â€Å"invalid† because of a bombed self destruction. This prompted repugnance for Gattaca’s overemphasis to qualities accidentally attracted the crowd to Vincent to turn out to be progressively thoughtful with his push to turn into a space explorer. The logical system of utilizing ethos or the rise of the character to get the crowd to Vincent’s side was extremely conspicuous in the film. This is particularly clear in scenes where Vincent beat his sibling Anton, who has a prevalent hereditary make than him, in â€Å"Chicken† swimming challenge in light of the fact that Vincent is increasingly resolved to win by not leaving anything to get back. In the road likewise where Vincent needed to cross without the contact focal points uncovered Vincent’s assurance to understand his objective as it was appeared in the film that he can't nearly observe anything yet he despite everything crossed it. This was Vincent’s principle selling point in the film that would differentiate him from Gattaca’s over dependence on foreordained hereditary make-up. In featuring his characteristics, for example, his perseverance, assurance, will and discipline, Vincent indicated character which isn't dictated by hereditary qualities however is an increasingly significant determinant in making an individual a triumph. From the get-go in the film, Vincent’s experience of being separated that encouraged him to continue understanding his fantasy is the film’s use of sentiment or enthusiastic intrigue for the crowd to favor Vincent. Andrew Niccol realizes that is our temperament to be thoughtful with the longshots and the mistreated and being such, this was completely abused in the film Gattaca for the crowd to interface with the primary hero, the invalid who beat valids

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Othello Importance Of Act I Essays - Othello, Iago, Roderigo

Othello: Importance Of Act I William Shakespeare's Othello is a sad play comprising of five acts. Albeit each demonstration isn't of equivalent significance, every serve an unmistakable job that influences the nature of the play completely. Expelling any demonstration would subsequently enormously decrease the last result of this play; thus, diminishing the play's intrigue to the crowd. Since Act I fulfills a few basic purposes, evacuating it would be a slip-up. Eventually, we would never again be seeing Othello the manner in which Shakespeare had planned us to. As a matter of first importance, Act I fills in as a presentation. Because of Act I, we figure out the setting, the characters, and earlier occasions that are required to completely welcome this play. Without getting this huge measure of data, tragically the remainder of the play doesn't have a similar effect. For instance, it is in Act I that we learn of Othello's ethnic just as military foundation. In spite of the fact that the Moor gets himself the objective of racial remarks, the impression we get of him, all through Act I, is one of straightforwardness joined with poise and genuineness. In Scene I, we are additionally educated regarding Othello and Desdemona's ongoing marriage. The circumstance with respect to Othello's decision of lieutenant is another significant occasion depicted in the primary scene of Act I. Iago had endeavored to pay off his way into this position, however Othello picked Cassio, a Florentine, whose information on war was extraordinary in spite of his absen ce of experience. These occasions happened preceding the beginning of the play, however are associated with the improvement of the play; in this way, they are reviewed for our motivations in Act I. Expelling the principal demonstration of Othello would thusly keep us from understanding that these occasions had for sure occurred, making it very hard to comprehend the importance of the play. Also, the expulsion of Act I from Othello would debilitate the crowds sentiments of anguish for the characters. The passings of Othello and Desdemona would be viewed as less shocking in light of the fact that the defeat of these characters would be to a lesser degree. In Act I, both Othello and Desdemona are depicted at their most noteworthy second. Othello is portrayed as a general of most extreme capacity. Updates on an up and coming assault on the island of Cypress sends Venice into a highly sensitive situation, so Othello is sent for. Othello's acceptable notoriety with the Duke and Senators persuade us regarding his capacities. Othellos high status is additionally exhibited when he and Brabantia approach the Duke in scene III. In spite of the fact that Brabantia outranks Othello, the Duke at first recognizes Othello by saying, Valiant Othello, we should straight utilize you/against the general foe Ottoman.( ). Essentially, Desdemonas best characteristics are additionally uncover ed in Act I. The legislators little girl is delineated as a lovely, exquisite, youngster. Her immaculateness and guiltlessness give a reviving standpoint toward life in the wake of seeing Iagos aims. Act I likewise shows Brabantios high persuasive force in Venice. Desdemonas mental fortitude to wed a man whom her dad doesn't affirm of speaks to the quality of Desdemonas love for Othello. These impressions are required to order Othello as a shocking play. Without seeing these characters at such a stature, in the first place, their demises may not be viewed as heartbreaking at long last. At last, without Act I the ruin of both Othello and Desdemona would not be as recognizable. Othello would not be a play of such gauge without Act I. The principal demonstration of the play is intended to set the play enthusiastically. So as to stay in charge of Roderigos cash, Iago must legitimize his activities. He chooses to plot against both Othello and Cassio, presenting the rationale in the play: Cassios a legitimate man; let me see now, To get his place and to crest up my will In twofold knaverry How, how? Lets see: After some time, to manhandle Othellos ear That he is excessively acquainted with his better half. This speech uncovers Iagos insidious character to the crowd and predicts what is to come. Regardless of Iagos thinking to Roderigo that retribution is the intention behind his activities, we before long understand that Iago has a motiveless malevolence; doing detestable for his own delight. What's more, the noticeable subject of double dealing is

Friday, August 21, 2020

Great Topics For Illustration Essay Topics

Great Topics For Illustration Essay TopicsWhen it comes to writing an excellent illustration essay, you need to find the best illustration essay topics that are right for your interests. There are many different subjects that you can choose from. These topics range from giving insight on science to relating a religious viewpoint on life and death. You will be able to give something to those who read your essay as well as for yourself.The first thing you should do is narrow down the topic that relates to your religious viewpoint. You can decide to write about religion, the nature of science, and even some history that surround these subjects. You can use this information to make a wonderful explanation of things to the reader.However, keep in mind that there are many topics that might interest the person reading your essay. They will look at a few different topics that relate to their particular interest. For example, if they are interested in a history topic that revolves around reli gion, they will be looking for an explanation of something that relates to the subject. Another example would be if they are looking for information on the nature of science. This type of information would lead them to read on the topic of religion.When you are looking for good illustration essay topics, keep in mind that you will be putting more information on the information that they are looking for. For example, if they are interested in learning about the general history of their religion, they will want to learn about their religion's history as well as why the various aspects of their religion have changed over time. You should choose the topic that is going to benefit your subject the most.When you are choosing topics that relate to their religious viewpoints, you will need to determine what is important to them. A person may have a personal viewpoint on life and death and this is the focus of the paper. However, a person who is interested in learning about the origins of th eir religion might choose a broader topic. If you choose a narrower topic, this will be great for their religion and make them feel better about it.Some topics are easier to write than others. The topic that relates to your religion is going to be easier to write because you already know what the subject is. It is a logical topic to research, since it is your religion. This is not the case with the topics that relate to science.When it comes to writing an informative topic that is easier to write, you can base the topic on something that a person will relate to. For example, you might want to talk about a scientific breakthrough or find information about a particular process that is used in the production of something. Make sure you provide references and make sure they get the information that they are looking for. After all, if they do not feel satisfied, they will not keep reading and you might as well stop writing.This is why it is important to find the best illustration essay t opics that are going to be easy to relate to. Keep in mind that if you find a topic that is easy to write, you can continue to write because it is not something that is too difficult to write.

Monday, May 25, 2020

Essay On Social Media - 1477 Words

The internet and cell phones are standard in most homes today, and their presence means we can socialize globally. There are no limits on how we can send messages and images without creating personal issues. The social media networks have vastly expanded and have made for negative problems from politics, entertainment, athletics, and amongst family and friends. â€Å"Social media can be broken down as interacting with people and sharing information through outlets such as the internet, TV, or radio† (Nations). Electronic media has evolved from the days of just having a home phone for communicating with family and friends. Social media is freedom of speech but is being used as a weapon in politics, toward innocent young people, and†¦show more content†¦There have been cases where cyberbullying has led people, especially teens, to harm themselves. Cyberbullying could happen by using a computer, cell phone, and other mobile devices. It appears these activities tak e place during chat sessions with one of these devices. Usually, people prey on the weaker or timid individuals. According to CBS News, â€Å"a high school teen was bullied into committing suicide live on Facebook because of cyber bullying† (CBS News). This appears to be a growing issue that has become very common amongst teens and sometimes adults. â€Å"In 2011, approximately 9 percent of students ages 12–18 reported being cyber-bullied anywhere during the school year. Of those students, about 4 percent each reported that another student had posted hurtful information on the Internet and reported being the subject of harassing text messages,† according to the Indicators of School Crime and Safety: 2013 report, by the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) and National Center for Education Statistics Institute of Education Sciences (IES) (Kemp, Rathbun, and Morgan). Victims of cyberbullying must avoid situations that allow for this type of unacceptable behav ior and report these incidents to someone responsible who can assist. There seems to be a tendency for our politicians to attack each other by way of social media. Attacks like these have made for a much divided political system, more than ever witnessed before. InShow MoreRelatedEssay On Social Media971 Words   |  4 PagesIn the World, today social media controls everything. Social media includes blogs, social games, chat apps, and photo sharing apps. â€Å"around 60 percent of the population has at least one social account† (Gordon). The generation of millennials have more than one social media account and are always on their phones checking those sites multiple times a day. In this essay, I will be giving more information about three different social sites, the features, capabilities, how to use them, and privacy settingsRead MoreSocial Media And Media Essay744 Words   |  3 PagesSocial media has existed for about 10 years and is a huge form of communication today. Social media allows for an easy and direct way to connect with people all around the world, while never leaving the comfort of your own home. While most people use social media, it has been discovered that social media can be affected by gender. There have been studies conducted to discover if females use it more than males or if gender affects someones personality on social media. Men and women both use socialRead MoreSocial Commentary Essay On Social Media739 Words   |  3 PagesLyanna Gatdula Mr. D’Aquila ENG 1DP 16 Oct 2017 Social Commentary Essay Social media platforms continue to be an online distraction and it increases communication barriers on people’s lives. It has a positive effect on young minds and a negative effect. The tv series Black Mirror Season 3 Episode 1 â€Å"Nose-Dive† is an internet-based population where people rate you using their cellular devices and live a non-genuine life so that the population will like you and they will give you an acceptable ratingRead MoreSocial Media Essay647 Words   |  3 PagesSocial The popularity of social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Myspace, and YouTube have taken over the world in many ways that nobody would ever guess. These sites lets users to make profiles automatically where they can communicate with friends, families, and strangers through pictures, blogs, music, links and many other ways. As social networking sites become more important to society, some people agrees that these online sites are causing society a great trouble, especially theRead MoreSocial Media Essay1071 Words   |  5 Pagesmarketing, and it’s no other than social media that we all learned to love. It’s quite fascinating that in the early 2000’s social media wasn’t even invented; yet statistics show that Facebook has accumulated users surpassing the entire population of the United States. The acceleration of growth and progress in social media just gives us a glimpse of its maximum potential on how it will revolutionize and transform marketing. Before we further discuss the subject of social media, one must first know itsRead MoreEssay On Social Media1711 Words   |  7 PagesDiscussion Social media is defined as â€Å"websites and applications that enable users to create and share content or to participate in social networking.† (according to Google and oxford dictionary) This means that websites such as Gmail are also social media websites as well the more social media sites like Snapchat or Instagram. Social media websites have exploded in popularity over the last ten years due to advances in mobile phone technology and all this new technology allows us to connect and haveRead MoreEssay On Social Media1382 Words   |  6 Pageswhat is social media actually? Social media takes apart in the internet which is just a jumbled mess of networks. Social media consists of apps and websites all built on an electronic device whether a computer or a phone. Now social media makes it easy to communicate and be able to talk to others anywhere with a mobile connection. Also, it gives out new job roles and you can create accounts on sites to further put your life all over the internet. Not many people think of this, but we use social mediaRead MoreEssay On Social Media1029 Words   |  5 PagesOur society is being bombarded with social issues whether they are real or has been modified to fit the profile of the writer. How has the world of social media changed our views for better or for worse? Can our society recover and modify its viewpoints to show the reality of our world or are we going to keep going down this ideal view of what we perceive others should see? I have seen firsthand how something as simple as a viewpoint posted on social media has permanently changed someone’s life andRead MoreEssay On Social Media883 Words   |  4 Pagesavailable to everyone, the comments will contain bias and not accurate. The title of the page is â€Å"How the social media shaping teenagers’ communication skills†, the comments should be around 200 words about their experience of social media and how the use of social media affect their c ommunication with others. It is a good platform to let teenagers to express their perspectives toward social media, the opinions are important in my research. Therefore, for attracting people I will offer $10 StarbucksRead MoreSocial Media Essay892 Words   |  4 Pagesby customer. The solution of this problem is introducing a good social media to company where all employers and staffs will be connected, communication between them will be faster and work completes without delay. Therefore, we will like to recommend you Facebook as best social media for communication for business purpose. Summary and Evaluation Summary: There are various requirements of the business that suggested social media need to follow. The first one is it should send the message to the

Friday, May 15, 2020

The Prominence of Evil in Lord of the Flies, by William...

In the dictionary, the definition of evil is morally wrong or bad; malicious. Lord of the Flies, by William Golding, exemplifies how everyone in society is more evil than good and how it can get the best of all. The book actively traces the problems of society back to human nature and savagery that lies within the human race. Golding shows how the lacking parental control no rules, is the downfall of their humanity in as much as they lose the characteristics society and civilization gives them. Golding’s argument is that human nature can be very brutal, and he depicts it with his novel, showing the savage behaviors of children, killing each other for their own benefits in the end out of selfishness. Olsen states in her article, â€Å"Savages are not immoral but amoral; they are not bad merely because they do not know what it is to be good; for it is neither the development of understanding, nor the restraint of law that hinders them from doing ill; but the peacefulness of their passions, and their ignorance of vice.’† (Olsen 29) Everyone has a natural state of savage in their bodies, just we are more evil then we are good; Golding states in Olsen’s article, â€Å"man is born to sin. Set him free, and he will be a sinner†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢Ã¢â‚¬  (Olsen 2), meaning that we are more liable to be evil than good. It’s just the way society and culture has been placed on all of us. William Golding expresses men’s wickedness throughout the novel, but more with Jack and Roger. As proof between savage and

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Hobbit, By. R Tolkien - 993 Words

The capability of beaming brightly and showing strength in the face of great pain, grief, or danger. To be seen in admiration by the people for one’s noble qualities and achievements. This defines the courageous behavior to that of a hero. During the progression of the novel, The Hobbit, by J.R.R Tolkien, a clear resemblance of heroism has been shown by many characters throughout. However, when asked to define the term â€Å"hero,† the majority of people would describe a physically strong man, who’s tall and stands in the face of danger; people such as Beowulf, Sir Gawain, and King Arthur. In contrast to that common stereotype, Tolkien describes nothing but an undersized and feeble farmer named Bilbo Baggins, who lives in a well furbished hole in the ground, and how this man will embark on an unexpected journey to become a heroic figure. This reveals the fact that society doesn’t dictate the standards of a hero; only that individual can regulate their own future, and how they can be a conqueror too. In the introductory of the novel, Tolkien sets the tone by describing what hobbits are and how they live. There is nothing unordinary about Bilbo, but there is certainly no sign of anyone admiring or looking up to him. This is used to explain how he is just an average man, who can achieve great things later on in life. In a psychology study, by Prof. Philip Zimbardo, at Stanford university, Zimbardo explains how we rarely â€Å"†¦hear about ordinary men and women who have, by circumstanceShow MoreRelatedThe Hobbit By J. R. Tolkien703 Words   |  3 PagesPeople like stories that contain much action and adventure. Such stories are real exciting and fun to read. The Hobbit By J. R. Tolkien is able to convey a great story through its characters, thematic elements, and literary features. There is something however, that is able to have a major effect on a story. That is supernatural events. These events are something within a story tha t the common audience would not firstly expect to occur. It is of these happenings that make a story that little moreRead MoreR. Tolkien s The Hobbit1951 Words   |  8 PagesBoth J. R. R. Tolkien‘s The Hobbit and C.S. Lewis’s The Lion The Which and the Wardrobe are classic novels that are recognized as some of the best works of the 20th century. Tolkien was a famous writer from Bloemfontein, South Africa, born on January 3, 1892, while Lewis was born only a few years later in Belfast, Ireland on November 29, 1898 ( Editors). They have both had so many great affects on literature, and in particular the fantasy genre, because both The Hobbit, and The LionRead MoreThe Hobbit, By. R. Tolkien1570 Words   |  7 PagesI. Subject The Hobbit, written by J.R.R. Tolkien, tells of the hardships and struggles of Bilbo Baggins, a hobbit who lives in a hobbit hole named Bag End. Bilbo is â€Å"hired† by a party of dwarves to go on an adventure to get their stolen gold from the lonely mountain. The only catch is that the mountain is guarded by the dragon, Smaug. Bilbo goes on a quest throughout Wilderland meeting enemies like Trolls, Elves in the Elven hall, and Goblins in the Goblin tunnels. Bilbo discovers an importantRead MoreThe Hobbit, By. R Tolkien1519 Words   |  7 Pagesadventure with the power to bestow boons on his fellow man.† A hero is willing to take a journey to accomplish something through hard work and determination, no matter how difficult the challenges are. In the critically acclaimed novel, The Hobbit, by J.R.R Tolkien, the protagonist, Bilbo Baggins is described as to be an unlikely hero. Bilbo is thrown into a situation in which he must choose between two different lifestyles and to overcome his fears to accomplish his quest. Throughout the story, BilboRead MoreThe Hobbit, By. R. Tolkien Essay1527 Words   |  7 Pages For years, people of all ages have enjoyed â€Å"The Hobbit,† by J.R.R. Tolkien, causing a debate over whether or not this novel should be defined as a ‘children’s book.â⠂¬â„¢ After all, it contains many stereotypes of a children’s book, including moral lessons and character growth, yet, avid fans debate that it includes depth and darkness that heighten it to the level of adults. In the end, does it really matter how people view it from the outside? What might otherwise be important is the content it containsRead MoreThe Hobbit: by J. R. R. Tolkien Essay1159 Words   |  5 Pages J. R. R. Tolkien’s book The Hobbit was written in 1937, and the first third was made into a movie in 2012. The first movie is called The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey. The second movie, made in 2013, is called The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug. There is a third movie to be released that will be called The Hobbit: There and Back Again. This comparison is between the book The Hobbit, and the movie The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey. The beginning of the movie takes place in the future, 60 yearsRead MoreMain Themes In The Hobbit By J. J. R. Tolkien804 Words   |  4 Pagesabout the theme of the book, The Hobbit by: J. R. R. Tolkien. There will be 3 main topics to describe the theme of this book.The first main point is the fact that Bilbo Baggins, who is the main character of the book, is sheltered until Gandalf, a wizard, and his dwarf friends invite Bilbo on an adventure.The second point, is when Bilbo starts to find his true braveness. He does some things that bring out and show off how he can be brave and he’s not just a cowardly Hobbit. Finally, the last main pointRead MoreMy Book Retell I Have Chosen The Hobbit By J.k. R. Tolkien2144 Words   |  9 PagesFor My book retell I have chosen The Hobbit, written by J.R.R. Tolkien. It takes place in the fictional land of Middle Earth, where Elves and dwarves roamed the lands and much darker creatures too, such as Trolls and Goblins. Our tale starts off li ke this. In a hole in the ground, there lives a Hobbit. Hobbits are a simple folk who rarely wander beyond their little town of Baggend. They are no taller than a human child, but they eat like giants. They love eating so much, they have seven mealsRead MoreThe Fiction Genre And Will Cover Key Stage 2 And The Hobbit By J.r. R Tolkien3189 Words   |  13 PagesThe texts to be examined in this assignment are all from the Fantasy Fiction Genre and will cover Key Stage 2 and Key Stage 3 as these are both relevant to those covered within lectures. We will begin with Key Stage 2 and The Hobbit by J.R.R Tolkien looking for examples as to why this would be considered Key Stage Two. The same process will be followed with The Silmarillion by the same author for Key Stage 3. Once the key stages have been confirmed for each piece of literature we can then begin toRead MoreThe Tolkien s The Hobbit1509 Words   |  7 Pages The inspiring novel, The Hobbit, written by J. R. R. Tolkien, definitely deserves the right to be considered a timeless classic. Tolkien uses the main character, Bilbo Baggins, a well respected hobbit, to explain how fast one’s life can change. Mr. Baggins doesn’t believe he will go on an adventure through Middle-Earth the day Gandalf comes to Bag End to tell him so. Nor does he think the many races he only heard of in stories, will face him in the mountain pass. As the expedition takes the reader

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Value - Violence - and Ethics of Gaming

Question: Discuss about the Value, Violence, and Ethics of Gaming. Answer: Introduction Here in this case study, there is absolutely a clear conflict of interest and issues between a company and its employees, with an outsider or a third party, Diane. She is the owner of a consulting business and is caught up in this situation. In this case study, the organizations director of personnel as well as directors of computing, all supports the database solution which severely compromises with the confidentiality and the security of the information of workers. In the given contextual analysis, Diane, the owner of the organization is in a dilemma, where she is confused whether to create aless protected database administration framework or not. She is anadvisor who is dealing with herown organization. She trusts the framework which she is going to create or develop, and will store the extremely delicate data on that. Thus, Dianes professionalism indicates her that the framework should be secured, however, due to some financial constraints, her customers believe that the less secured framework will also be good for the company. The organizations authorities have a commitment to ensure the protection of their workers, and in this way, it should not acknowledge limitations in security. Diane's first commitment is to endeavour and to instruct the organizations authorities, which is inferred from basic to promote the open comprehension of computing as well as its results. If that system fails, then Diane surely needs to conceive her contractual commitments (Yardley, 2017). Confidentiality as well as the privacy of Dianes customers is the major issue in this case study. The protection and security is the primary issue here. PC experts are committed to protect the integrity of information about people from unapproved access and unintentional divulgence by inappropriate people. The weak security system is the other major issue here, and with this weak security, workers who are working on the clients machines might not be capable of solving several methods to get proper access to information, not to remark the expectation of on-line admittance from hackers. Who is influenced or affected? Diane knows that her work or system will most probably affect the stakeholders of the organization negatively in coming future. The clients of the organization will also get affected by the possible issues and by the less secured database system. The CEO, managers of personnel and managers of computing will also be affected by this system. Diane emphatically trusts that the data which customer stores in the database management system is very delicate, and it is necessary that the system should be secured. Although, here in this case study, the Directors and the CEO, who symbolize the organization, are directly mishandling the workers information through their determination (Wiwanitkit, 2017). Diana should follow the contract, and make sure to keep the organizations clients happy, however, the results of this system might not be helpful to the stakeholders of the organization who will utilize the database management system which provides the delicate information (Leese, 2017). Therefore, the designer and developer of the database system should design the system as per the needs of the clients and stakeholders. Diane should pursue her decision to make a more secure system and must complete her task. It is her responsibility to develop a better system for the future. Firstly, if the option to develop a less secured system is must, then the system should be implemented in phases. In the initial phase, a less secure variant of the system that the managers and CEOs want should be developed. The second option is to inform the stakeholders about the negative aspects of the system. Everyone should be aware exactly about what they are getting. The third option is that Diane should examine the demands of the clients properly because for Diane, this is a question of her reputation, therefore, a secured database system should be developed so that the system should not be hacked in the future. The third option is the best option which Diane should choose, that means she should develop a database system as per the needs of her clients as well as her employers. With this option, a legal agreement is to be created between the company and the client, which bonds Diane completely to follow the requests of clients to prepare a protected system. In addition, Diane needs to develop a system which will store the delicate data, and much secured system is developed (Goerger, 2017). Conclusion This study concludes that Diane must take efforts to develop a system which preserve the confidentiality, integrity as well as the safety of the data of others. Diane needs to defend the data of her clients and managers and likewise protect the information she has. Diane is fully responsible and aware of what is going to happen at her workplace, and how the system is going to be utilized by her clients. References Goerger, M. (2017). Value, violence, and the ethics of gaming.Ethics And Information Technology. Leese, M. (2017). Holding the Project Accountable: Research Governance, Ethics, and Democracy.Science And Engineering Ethics. Wiwanitkit, V. (2017). Reviewing and reviewer: Standards and ethical issues.Medical Journal Of Dr. D.Y. Patil University,10(1), 3. Yardeley, D. (2017).Practical consultancy Ethics(1st ed.). [Place of publication not identified]: Kogan page.