Friday, December 27, 2019

The Truth About Mass Shootings And Gun Control - 938 Words

The article, â€Å"The Truth About Mass Shootings and Gun Control: Crime and killings have fallen as gun ownership has increased†, was written in a manner to target a specific audience by using a current hot topic amongst politicians in the United States on gun control. By discussing recent mass shooting, the author is able to appeal to his audience with Ethos appeal allowing him to maintain the attention of the audience, which, otherwise would be overlooked by people outside his target audience. Gun control has been a hot topic in this country for many years. Gun control advocates will use instances such as Sandy Hook to further their agenda in removing weapons out of law-abiding American hands. On the other end of the spectrum, the gun advocates claim that any form of gun restriction goes against their constitutional rights to bear arms. In 2013, Commentary Magazine printed and article written by Benjamin Domenech discussing how gun laws will not lower mass shootings in the United States. Domench has been writing politically motived articles for almost 20 years. He has an extensive knowledge of speech writing for various political offices, such as for George W Bush (Domenech, Ben). The experience needed to write effective speeches that will target a wide audience helps him out in the article. The tragedy that was felt across America when Adam Lanza went into Sandy Hook Elementary School to gun down 20 unarmed innocent children cannot be put into words. The author successfullyShow MoreRelatedShould Tighten The Freedom Of Having Firearms?848 Words   |  4 Pages Our world is vulnerable to violence due to mass shootings and immature people getting a hold guns. Mass shootings can occur anywhere at any place and time due to how effortless it is to obtain any sort of firearm. My stance towards limiting future mass shootings would be to have a stricter approach towards firearms even if we have to revamp the 2nd Amendment. We should tighten the freedom of having firearms because of the ease of obtaining guns is making our country more vulnerable to threatsRead MoreEffects Of Mass Shootings1674 Words   |  7 PagesMass Shootings in Inner Cities: Does Gun Control Work? When we hear the words mass shooting, most of us immediately pause and begin to think the worst. We are filled with sorrow that soon turns to anger as details of the event emerge. A portion of the population immediately begins to call for more gun regulation and the battle is staged again. This scenario plays out in the media and in the legislative halls around the country and seems to occur on a much too frequent basis. Has the frequency ofRead MoreThe Issue Of Gun Control903 Words   |  4 PagesGun Control The controversy surrounding the need for more gun control in the United States is a hot topic. Do we need more gun control? What about the 2nd Amendment? What about crime, protection, the mentally ill? There is a great amount of gun violence in this country and every time something happens, the argument starts up again. Maybe it is time to do more. Adam Gopnik wrote about this subject in his essay â€Å"Shootings†. His view is that there needs to be better gun control laws. Gopnik startedRead MoreThe Issue Of Gun Control909 Words   |  4 Pagesâ€Å"Gun control? We need bullet control! I think every bullet should cost 5,000 dollars. Because if a bullet cost 5,000 dollars, we wouldn’t have any innocent bystanders†. The comedian, Chris Rock, once said this funny but very intellectual quote. What Chris Rock suggests may be very unrealistic but why don’t we pay a closer attention to the message that he is trying to get across to us. The Second Amendment gives states â€Å"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, theRead MoreWhy We Need Stricter Gun Control866 Words   |  4 PagesThere have been many incidents in the past based on the lack of gun control. These incidents range from an incident with one other person to mass shootings. There are three big issues that woke up our society: the Trayvon Martin case, the Colorado movie theater murders, and recently the San Bernardino shooting. These incide nts will help illustrate the reasons why we need stricter gun control. Firstly, the Trayvon Martin case is an issue that got a lot of publicity in mid-2012 to early 2013. TrayvonRead MoreThe True Nature Of School Shootings1066 Words   |  5 PagesMass Shootings are among the most controversial topics talk about in modern day society, and this is due to the apparent rise in shootings over the past couple of years. The nation has witnessed some of the most gruesome shootings in History such as Virginia Tech, and Sandy Hook Elementary school shooting. From the aftermath of these shootings, a solution was found to prevent such things from happening which is allow concealed-carry weapons on college campuses. It is said if there are more guns onRead MoreThe Problem With Gun Control976 Words   |  4 Pagesthere is a problem with gun control, a problem that we do know the correct course of action. With laws, NRA, and groups standing on both sides of gun control, we will never see the truth. Is a good guy with a gun the best way to stop a bad guy with a gun, or can we stop them with words? Would having teachers armed with a gun stop a student, or anyone from coming on school campus and open fire? Should Americans change the law on gun control? So many questions on gun control, but no one right answerRead MorePresident Obama s 2015 Executive Actions On Gun Control1242 Words   |  5 PagesActions on Gun Control. National Conference of State Legislatures. 5 Jan. 2016. Web. 09 Jan. 2016. President Obama s 2015 Executive Actions on Gun Control. Susan Frederick is the senior federal affairs counsel at National Conference of State Legislatures. She writes an article, President Obama s 2015 Executive Actions on Gun Control, in which she gives an overview of President Obama’s actions regarding gun regulation policy. Frederick begins by writing that the new regulations towards gun control areRead MoreStronger Gun Control Will Save Lives an Article by Christine Watkins876 Words   |  4 PagesGun Control in America is seen as ineffective, citizens believe gun control laws in place are not protecting lives, but taking them away. In order to solve this problem, many think more laws should be put in place. By doing so, they believe guns would no longer be in the hands of criminals and lives would not be ended before their time. In Christine Watkins’s article, â€Å"Stronger Gun Control Will Save Lives† She explains that if guns were objects that truly kept us safe, America would be the safestRead MoreThe Nation al Crime Victimization Survey1355 Words   |  6 Pagesman pointed a gun at the boy, the boy shot the man. Who knows what could have happened if this boy didn’t have a gun. Him and all three of his young siblings could have been shot and killed. Guns save lives, and in a nation that already has more than 200 million guns, gun control does little other than make the work of rapists, robbers, murderers and psychos easier. When faced with gun control laws, the law abiding citizen has no choice other than to disarm or become an outlaw, but people with bad

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Diversity For Success Of The Company - 1036 Words

The article was authored in 2013 by Barak, who is a knowledgeable and experienced professor, with an experience in social work and business. The book provides information on how to ensure there is inclusiveness in the workplace. The author reveals that management has to ensure it successfully handles diversity in the workforce. The author argues that in the current workforce, which is diverse, the challenge is exclusion. The book has compiled extensive current information on social policy trends, legislative and demographic, as well as the analysis of causes and effects of workforce exclusion, and reveals that learning about how to manage the issue of diversity is critical. Therefore, based on the extensive information offered touching on diversity in the workplace, I will be utilizing the book to draw on the ways the managers of an organization ought to handle the issue of diversity for success of the company. The article authored by Cox, bearing the recent trends in business globally, together with gender and ethnic diversity, which is on the rise, and forcing the managers to value of cultural differences. The article provides the essence of an organization to enhance the effectiveness of an organization by valuing diversity. Similarly, the article presents research data and arguments on the manner in which the management of diversity is able to generate competitive advantage. In addition, the article presents organizational flexibility and problem solving skills thatShow MoreRelatedThe Issues Of Diversity For Success Of The Company1037 Words   |  5 Pagesit successfully handles diversity in the workforce. The author argues that in the current workforce, which is diverse, the challenge is exclusion. The book compiles extensive current information on social policy trends, legislative and demographic, as well as the analysis of causes and effects of workforce exclusion, and reveals that learning about how to manage the issue of diversity is critical. Therefore, based on the extensive information offered touching on diversity in the workplace, I willRead MoreThe Importance Of Cultural Diversity For Company Success1274 Words   |  6 Pages(understand the importance of being honest, ethical and fair) and diversity (understand the importance of cultural diversity for company success). (Adidas Careers, 2015) Corporate Governance and Risk Management Adidas, being a multi-national enterprise contributes decently towards the global economy and society. They are aware of the laws, rules and regulations (formal institution) in addition to putting efforts to become a globally socially responsible firm. A group named Social and EnvironmentalRead MoreDiversity Promotes A Higher Potential Of Success For A Company Essay1543 Words   |  7 Pagesdifferent ideas to come to an optimal solution. Diversity encompasses a variety of differences between people in this world. Each individual is classified to be different from one another whether it is from age, gender, race, personality, education, background, experiences, and more. Varying viewpoints provides a team with a larger pool of ideas to work with and filter out what works for them. Modern day businesses that are striving towards success through innovation tend to lean teams building aRead MoreDiversity And Diversity Within Your Company1398 Words   |  6 Pageseducate, and promote d iversity within your company. Your company will be shown the merits of diversity and how diversity within your organization can be a benefit. This paper will be broken down into three main areas: Benefits of Diversity, Challenges of Diversity, and Recommendations for an effective diversity within your organization.. Before we move on it is important to take the time and think what diversity means to your organization. How does your company define diversity? A simple definitionRead MoreBest Foods Case Analysis Essay1615 Words   |  7 PagesBest Food Case Analysis Best Foods Company is a multinational worldwide food company whose vision is â€Å"To be the Best International Food Company in the World.† (p.713) Best Foods set out to make some serious strides in diversifying their organization. However, there were three key diversity challenges facing them. First is that the company has very few women who have been on the career path that leads them to executive level position. This unfortunately was due to past practices. Best FoodsRead MoreDiversity At The Work Place853 Words   |  4 PagesDiversity at the work place has over the years become a matter of serious discussion. This is because there is a need to stop the common stereotyping that has been in existence over the years. There has been a need to guarantee that there is diversity at the areas of work to ensure that each individual is given an opportunity to work. This is only possible if there is an end in discrimination, this is because discrimination is the major factor that affects diversity in organizations. Looking atRead More4 Macro Environment Mcdonalds1466 Words   |  6 PagesMcDonald’s deals with each of the external and internal factors. There were three factors that were chosen to outline the success of McDonald’s corporation. The first factor is globalization, which is define as closer contact between different parts of the world, with increasing possibilities of personal exchange, mutual understanding and friendship between world citizens. Diversity, the difference among people and cultures, is the second factor discussed in the paper. The final factor is ethics, whichRead MoreMacro Environment Mcdonalds Essay1401 Words   |  6 PagesMcDonald’s deals with each of the external and internal factors. There were three factors that were chosen to outline the success of McDonald’s corporation. The first factor is globalization, which is define as closer contact between different parts of the world, with increasing possibilities of personal exchange, mutual understanding and friendship between world citizens. Diversity, the difference among people and cultures, is the second factor discussed in the paper. The final factor is ethics, whichRead MoreBenefits Of Diversity And Inclusion1657 Words   |  7 PagesIntroduction Diversity and inclusion are hot topics in today’s business world. While treating individuals fairly and equally is a social imperative, it is also extremely important to the success of a business. With the changing demographics of society and its affect on the American workforce, organizations must truly embrace diversity and inclusion. â€Å"For companies to succeed in the global marketplace, they must make the most of the full range of their people. Companies must attract and retain theRead MoreTechnology As A Tool For Diversity Management1251 Words   |  6 Pagesâ€Å"Technology as a Tool for Diversity Management† The work done in any organization and in any field is a combined effort of different people from diverse locations, towards our goal. Every individual is a key to the success of the organization of projects. The person working in a program is responsible for the processing and procurement. The behavior, their willingness to work and attitude towards the other team members is important. Every individual who comes from a different ethnic group needs to

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Electrical Engineering Essay Research Paper Electrical EngineeringChoosing free essay sample

Electrical Engineering Essay, Research Paper Electrical Technology Choosing the right calling can intend the difference between being satisfied and being disappointed with my life. Many factors can act upon the calling that I may hold for the remainder of my life. A determination that I am traveling to do at the immature age of 19 will hold a major impact on the following 10 old ages if non the remainder of my life. In order to do the best determination possible for my hereafter I have decided, if non forced, to research a calling of involvement to me. The two major calling picks I have been interested in for the past few old ages have been technology and instruction. I have already done researched learning so I decided to research technology. There are many different types of technology so I decided to pick the one most interesting to me. Electrical technology is the calling field I have selected to look into. Engineering is something my parents have urged me to see. Since a immature child I have been interested in constructing things. I use to state my parents I wanted to be an discoverer and construct a clip machine. Legos were my favourite plaything turning up, and I have ever been exceptionally good in math. Since my freshers twelvemonth in high school I have been interested in going a instructor, but during my freshers twelvemonth in college I was going more and more aware of the sum of money lower degree instructors made. Many people were urging technology as a possible calling option so I decided to look into it. Since I have ever found electricity to be cool I decided to larn more about electrical technology as a future calling field. The Dictionary of Occupational Titles codification for electrical technology is 003.061-010, while the Guide for Occupational Exploration codification is 05.01.01. There is another name for electrical applied scientists ; electronics engineer. The best major to fix me for this calling would be a unmarried man # 8217 ; s grade in electrical technology. This normally merely takes four old ages, and will acquire me an entry-level place in this field. There are no licences or certificates needed for this field, but the technology school or plan attended must be accredited by the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology. Some authorities bureaus may necessitate an test to be taken before having an electrical technology place, but most countries of employment have no such tests. There are chances for specialisation in this field. I could work as a contract or be an lineman on my ain. Accredited Board Engineering Technology, Institute of Electrical A ; Electronic Engineers, Inc, and the Instrument Society of America are three associations that represent people working in this field. There are legion duties and responsibilities performed by electrical applied scientists. Electrical applied scientists design, and measure the industry, proving, installing, operation, and care of electrical and electronic constituents, equipment and systems. They besides plan and supervise their development and building. Engineers normally specialize in one peculiar country. Electrical applied scientists work with power and light systems equipment, and machinery, with electrical motors and generators. On the other manus Electronic applied scientists work with electronic equipment, and develop applications for these merchandises for different concern and industries. Some of the accomplishments necessary for transporting out these responsibilities are good unwritten comprehension, originality, deductive logical thinking, mathematical logical thinking, job designation, operation analysis, judgement and decision-making, and thought generation/evaluation abilities. I do non hold any soli d experience in this field, but I have installed visible radiation bulbs and set up Christmas visible radiations before. Entry wage ranges from $ 2,163 to $ 3,810 per month. After deriving some experience wage can increase to anywhere from $ 2,219 to $ 4,980 per month. The mean top scopes are $ 3,570 to over $ 5, 199 per month. Average wage in 1997 was $ 5,406 per month. To accomplish these top wages a Masterss is normally required. The work environment for technology can differ greatly depending on the type of electrical technology I decided to travel into. Most applied scientists work on squads and normally work in offices. They must sell their thoughts and persuade people to take their coarse of action as opposed to another. The fact the electrical applied scientists are in competition and must run into deadlines can do electrical technology a high-stress business. Contract electrical applied scientists will happen themselves out-of-doorss at building sights, but they excessively must work on squads. Any country of electrical technology will necessitate me to utilize critical thought and job rating and work outing techniques. Many of the high paying Fieldss of electrical technology requires applied scientists to go rather often to work on undertakings. Traveling may take away valuable household clip, which could be an advantage or disadvantage depending on how you look at it. There are besides many other disadvantages and advantages to technology. The wage for electrical applied scientists is reasonably good for a individual with a unmarried man # 8217 ; s of scientific discipline grade and high for a individual with a maestro. Hours can sometimes be long and maintain a individual off from place is one of the disadvantages. The degree of instruction required for a grade in electrical technology tends to pull a clump of tiring people to electrical technology as a field. An introvert may non wish the fact that applied scientists normally work as a squad. Undertakings may sometimes hold to be taken place. There are many authorities occupations for applied scientists that have highly good benefits, but pay tends to be somewhat lower. Another of import disadvantage or advantage could be depending on whether or non electrical technology lucifers up with my Myers-Briggs and Strong Interest codifications. The Myers Briggs Type Indicator, Strong Interest Inventory, and Value Card Sort are all suppose to supply me with valuable information, which would plus me in doing a good calling pick determination. Did they run into their aim? Lashkar-e-taibas start from the beginning. My 4 missive Myers Briggs codification was ESTP. This means that I am supposed to be an # 8220 ; action-oriented, resourceful, and realistic persons who prefer to take the most efficient route. # 8221 ; Reading over the portrayal of an ESTP I found that it was non every bit true as I had hoped it would be. First, life is non ever as exciting about me as the portrayal makes it out to be. Following, I don # 8217 ; t see myself as being action oriented as it makes me out to be. I find that any incompatibility that there are between the portrayal and myself is due to the fact that I am non clearly and E, S, and/or a T. My scores for these were all really low none making above a 7. It is about clear that I am a Perceiv er. I would hold to hold with the P because I so do bask a flexible, self-generated, manner of life better than a planned, decided orderly manner. Some of the suggested businesss for my four-letter codification are Farmers, Mechanics, Military forces, Directors, and Administrators. My two most favourite businesss besides were among them, which were technology and instruction. Next, my strong involvement codification is SAC ( Social/ Artistic/ Conventional ) . My personal manner sca lupus erythematosuss for work manner got a mark at 50, which places me, compose mediate working entirely and working with people. My personal manner mark for Learning Environment is 49, which means I lean a small spot towards practical acquisition, but I do non truly prefer either one to the other. I have a 44 for Leadership manner, which illustrates how I do non ever like to take charge if I do non hold to. I got a 66 for my Hazard Taking Personal Style, which means I like to take hazard, and appreciate original thoughts. My top 5 businesss that the Strong involvement Inventory recommended where Elementary School Teacher, Actuary, Musician, Particular Education Teacher, and Computer Programmer. Teaching did look twice in the top five, Engineering did non look. However, Architect is the seventh business listed which is closely related to Engineering. My top 5 values are Exercise Competence, Creative Expression, Intellectual Status, Artistic creativeness, and Working with Others. Teaching incorporates all of these values. Engineering does non possibly offer as much artistic creativeness and originative look because certain regulations must be followed when making undertakings. Teaching besides has regulations, but a instructor can utilize more creativeness when doing a lesson program every bit long as the pupils learn what needs to be learnt, or the instructor teaches what needs to be taught. The Strong about did reenforce the Myers-Briggs. My work manner, which is 50 on the Strong, is most similar to my Tocopherol on the Myers-Briggs. I was merely somewhat and E harmonizing to the Myers-Briggs because I got a mark of 3 for extraversion. My mark of 49 with respects to larning environment shows that I prefer practical acquisition to larning in an educational environment. I did acquire an S on the Myers-Briggs, which would about belie the Strong, but the mark was low on both exemplifying that I don # 8217 ; t truly prefer one manner over the other. My Thymine on the Myers-Briggs besides supports my type of larning environment as non truly counting. Harmonizing to the Strong I am non comfy taking charge and I like to take hazard. I think these were all apparent in my mark of P on the Myers-Briggs, which meant I like a flexible and self-generated manner of life better. My leading manner besides could be what is keeping me back form clearly being an Extrovert. I am presently in the probationary geographic expedition period of my life. I # 8217 ; ve been out of high school for a twelvemonth and I am been presently contracting down my thoughts. I have learned a batch about the sort of work I am from working at Disneyland, and have begin to larn the sort of work I enjoy. I have been change my vesture # 8220 ; manners # 8221 ; about monthly, and have began to listen to a clump of different sorts of music. I have been experiment with new activities, and some new thoughts. I have non truly started world proving yet, but I do cognize I enjoy developing people and working with others. I believe I chose to come in this category because I was in the geographic expedition stage, now I feel I am nearer to so stop, but non rather in the following phase yet. A college with a good electrical technology plan is Cal Poly Pomona. If I do travel into electrical technology I will likely travel to Cal Poly Pomona. If I do non take electrical technology I will still travel at that place. As an undergraduate transportation pupil, my admittance demands will be that I will hold a grade point norm of 2.0 or better in all movable units attempted, and must be in good standing at the last college or university attended and meet 1 of 4 criterions. The first of four would be if I met their freshers admittance demands. The following being if I was eligible as a freshers at the clip of high school graduation and have been in uninterrupted attending in an commissioned college since high school graduation. Third would be if I was eligible as a freshers at the clip of high school graduation except for the topic demands, have made up the losing topic demands, and have been in uninterrupted attending in a commissioned college since high school graduation. Last, if I have completed 56 movable semester units ( 84 one-fourth units ) , and have completed 30 semester units, which include all of the general instruction demands in communicating in English linguistic communication and at least three semester units required in mathematics. I besides would hold to complete a clump of lower division major work for technology before I could reassign non their school of technology. I will run into these ends by making all this general instruction and pre-major work at Rancho Santiago Community College and Riverside Community College. If I become an electrical applied scientist by academic ends are to accomplish a Bachelor of Science grade in electrical technology, travel into an internship, acquire a occupation, travel back to school and acquire my maestro grade. I plan on reassigning in the autumn of 2001 to Cal Poly Pomona. After I get my BS I plan on get downing a household. I will accomplish my ends by analyzing difficult in school and taking the categories needed to go an electrical applied scientist. I will non get down a household until I have a married woman and I have a unafraid occupation. On topographic point of employment I will see is Disney. They use electrical applied scientists for a clump of material, and I know they are a unafraid corporation. I have learned a batch about calling and research in this category. Valuess are an of import point to see when taking your calling. The more values a calling will let me to show the more satisfied I will be with that calling. I have besides learned a batch about clip direction. Time direction will give me more free clip whether is pull offing my clip while in school, or when I have a occupation someday. Pull offing my clip will let me to be the best male parent I can to my kids, and the best hubby to my married woman. Furthermore, I learned that I was an extravert. At first I thought that # 8220 ; E # 8221 ; was a error, but the more I look at myself the more I realize that it is right. For some ground the # 8220 ; E # 8221 ; on the Myers Briggs has given me a newfound assurance. This assurance will be valuable when I go for interviews, which leads me to my last major lesson learned. Through this category I have learned a batch about affectional interviewing. This will be really utile in the long tally every bit good as the short tally. I have several interviews for new occupation at Disneyland, and I believe this category has given me an border over other people. This will besides give me an border as an electrical applied scientist or whatever business I choose to come in. I feel really satisfied with the information I obtained. At times I was bored in this category being the lone male, and holding to listen to a clump of females whine over material I didn # 8217 ; t care about. With respects to electrical technology I leaned that electrical technology is deadening, and does non look like an business I would bask. The people I talked to about technology were happy with their occupations but were besides swots. I think I should truly see learning as a possible calling pick. Therefore, I am non certain about the calling picks I have made. I think I will seek to major in math and go a math instructor ; I can ever alter my major if I am non happy with how things are traveling. I have learned that my felicity will be increased with better calling satisfaction versus pecuniary addition.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Worldview of William Shakespeare Essay Example

Worldview of William Shakespeare Essay William Shakespeare was alive during a time that much differed from today. Back then, people were ranked in society by their gender, race or status. Today everyone is equal no matter what religion, gender, etc. We are all equal because we are all human beings. Even though Shakespeare was living during a different time, he still had a similar worldview that many of us share today. While reading Shakespeare’s plays, I at first found it difficult to figure out what his worldview was. I could not determine whether he was, in fact, Anti-Semitic although it was obvious that the majority of people were. However, many of the females he wrote about were extremely strong characters, especially for that time period. This brought me to the conclusion that he believed that men and women should have been equal. His worldview was that gender should not determine status, intelligence or anything else. For example, in his play, the Merchant of Venice, Portia was really strong and out-smarted many of the male characters. She dressed up in disguise and tricked a whole courtroom; Shakespeare wrote the play so that Portia was the one who then made the final decision. I agree with William’s worldview that women are able to be just as strong as men. I think that both men and women are capable of achieving the same amount of success in anything they do. In Shakespeare’s time, women were not allowed to act on stage so men played the female parts in his plays. My drama teacher in high school said that Shakespeare would have had women actresses in his plays if it were allowed. I admire William Shakespeare for so many reasons and this is only one of them. I was surprised when I found out that this was how he viewed the world. We will write a custom essay sample on Worldview of William Shakespeare specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Worldview of William Shakespeare specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Worldview of William Shakespeare specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer