Sunday, February 23, 2020

Discussion Questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 14

Discussion Questions - Essay Example Ethics can add value to a business by ensuring the company does not get involved in any undesirable scandals. I believe that companies have a responsibility to comply with the demand of many stakeholders groups. Some of the key stakeholder groups that must be considered in the decision making process of the company are lenders, shareholders, governmental entities, suppliers, the community, and the environment. An example of a company that satisfies the needs of various stakeholders is Starbuck Cafà ©. Starbucks supports poor farmers by purchasing only fair trade coffee. Companies cannot focus only on the investors because many firms have other missions and goals that go beyond making money. Wal-Mart is proud to be the largest private employer in the world with 2.1 million employees (Businessinsider, 2012). I believe that proper ethical conduct is important both in the private life of a person and in the workplace. People are often faced with ethical dilemmas in their private life. Ethical decisions affect consumer buying patters. Some people prefer to purchase green products because they are environmentally friendly. In the workplace acting in an ethical manner is mandatory. Unethical behavior can lead to bad results in the workplace. It is essential for employees to follow the ethical code of conduct of an enterprise. Violations of the ethical code of conduct of a company can lead to suspensions or termination of employment. â€Å"Consequentialism says that right or wrong depend on the consequences of an act, and that the more good consequences are produced, the better the act† (Bbc, 2012). Often politicians based their decision on consequentialism ethical principles. Deontological is an ethical theory concerned with duties and right (Freedictionary, 2012). This ethical perspective is often utilized by law enforcement agents. The ethical theory is relative since different people perceive duties and rights differently. A third ethical

Friday, February 7, 2020

The professional is political Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The professional is political - Essay Example Learning occurs when on earth you take on new behaviour or adapt obtainable behaviour patterns in a method that has some power on future presentation or approach. Learning is so a form of activity that results in a long-lasting or lasting change in behaviour. Learning is incredible that we never discontinue responsibility. We start knowledge from the instant we are born and stay on learning waiting the day we die. Knowledge is the aptitude to understand new belongings and put into action the belongings we have learnt in daily life. Teachers who make warm and tolerant yet business-like atmospheres will endorse persistent attempt and favourable attitudes in the direction of learning. This plan will be successful in brood and in adults. Develop an surroundings in which it is most possible students will feel a intelligence of incentive to learn what is being trained rather than trying to pressurize students into knowledge. To do this requires in commission from a sympathetic of the student wants. Some individuals -- particularly children of sure ages and a number of adults -- have little ability for internal incentive and must be guide and reinforced continually. The use of inducement is base on the standard that learning occurs additional successfully when the scholar experience feelings of approval. Caution should be work out in using external rewards at what time they are not totally necessary. Their make use of may be followed by a refuse in interior incentive. People seek others by means of whom to contrast their abilities, opinions, and feeling. Affiliation cans also consequence in direct nervousness reduction by the communal receipt and the mere attendance of others. However, these motivators can too lead to traditional values, opposition, and other behaviors that may seem as unenthusiastic. However, it has to be borne in brain that there can be no set of courses growth without teacher growth. Staff and prospectus expansion must be intimately